
My major CS and Math courses here.

My major CS and Math courses here.

  • IIIS IIIS professional Courses

  • Math courses that are included in the math minor degree

  • practice practicing courses (typically in summer semester)

  • graduate courses that are intended for graduates.

Autumn 2020

  • IIIS (Prof. Ran Duan) Introduction to Computer Science
  • Java
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • IIIS (Prof. Yong Xu) Linear Algebra
  • Calculus I

Spring 2021

  • IIIS (Prof. Andrew Yao) Mathematics for Computer Science
  • IIIS (Prof. Ran Duan) Theory of Computation
  • IIIS (Prof. Dongling Deng) Abstract Algebra
  • IIIS graduate (Prof. Yang Yu) Causal and Statistal Learning
  • IIIS (Prof. Xiongfeng Ma) General Physics I
  • Calculus II

Summer 2021

  • IIIS practice (Prof. Huanchen Zhang) Data Structures in Real World
    • Projects (C++): B-Tree implementation, Bloom Filter.
  • IIIS practice (Prof. Yong Xu) Physics of Infomation

Autumn 2021

  • IIIS (Prof. Jian Li) Algorithms Designing
  • IIIS (Prof. Huanchen Zhang) Database Systems
    • Projects (C++): Basic database structure, B-Tree Indexing, 2PL(2-Phase Lock), Join algorithms.
  • IIIS (Prof. Luyan Sun) General Physics II
  • Math Numercial Analysis
  • Digital Electronics
  • Spanish I

Spring 2022

  • IIIS (Prof. Mingyu Gao) Computer Architecture
    • Projects (RISC-V Assembly and C++): RISC-V Optimization, Processor and branch prediction, Cache design
    • Notes
  • IIIS (Prof. Yilei Chen) Cryptography
    • Course Project: A survey on Committed Oblivious Tranferring (Report)
  • IIIS (Prof. Zhixuan Fang) Game Theory
    • Notes
    • Course Project: A survey on a Game Theory Approach to Evaluating Transport Network Connectivity and Reliability (Report)
  • Math Probability Theory
  • Math Measures and Integrals (Real Analysis)

Summer 2022

  • IIIS practice AI+X Computing Acceleration: From Algorithms Development, Analysis, to Deployment

Autumn 2022

  • IIIS (Prof. Li Yi) Computer Graphics
    • Projects: Mesh Manipulation, Transformation (C++), Ray tracing (GLSL), Material Point Method (Taichi/Python), and final project Path tracing (C++ and GLSL)
    • Final project Repo and report (in Chinese)
  • IIIS (Prof. Wei Xu) Operating Systems and Distributed Systems
    • Projects (C++ and Go): Multithread-safe Queue, RPC Application, Blockchain implementation and Optimization
    • Notes
  • Math ODE
  • Spanish II

Spring 2023

  • IIIS graduate (Prof. Tao Du) Physics-based Simulation

  • Math Mathematical Programming

  • Math PDE