通过硬件渲染器增加一个传入参数:所有光源的 idx,实现直接对光采样,效率迅速提升
实现了理想镜面 Specular 和理想折射体 Transmissive,并可在Gui界面中直接调节材料的折射率
利用 Phong 模型的 BRDF,实现有光泽材质 Principled
实现 Lambertian 和 Phong 模型材料的余弦重要性抽样
vec3 SampleRay(vec3 origin, vec3 direction) {
vec3 radiance = vec3(0.0);
vec3 throughput = vec3(1.0);
float rr_prob = 0.85;
int diffusive = 0; // record of diffusive surface
while (true) {
TraceRay(origin, direction);
if (ray_payload.t == -1.0) { // not hit
radiance += throughput * SampleEnvmap(direction);
Material material = materials[hit_record.hit_entity_id];
if (material.material_type is not diffusive) {
// Sample a point on an emission entity
// Trace a ray towards the direction of the point
if (/*There is no obstacle*/) {
vec3 radiance_dir = material0.emission * material0.emission_strength * INV_PI / 2
* bsdf(material, direction0, direction, hit_record.normal)
* dot(normalize(hit_record.normal), direction0)
* dot(normal0, -direction0)
/ pow(length(hit_record0.position-hit_record.position),2)
* ls_cnt * area * light_sources[1];
radiance += throughput * material.albedo_color * radiance_dir;
if (fract(RandomFloat()) > rr_prob)
throughput /= rr_prob;
if (material.material_type == EMISSION) {
if (diffusive == 0)
radiance += throughput * material.emission * material.emission_strength;
else {
// dealing with different materials
if (material.material_type is diffusive)
diffusive = 1;
diffusive = 0;
\[f_r(x,\omega_i, \omega_o) = \frac{f_d}{\pi} + \frac{(n+2)k_s}{2\pi} [\max(0,\cos\alpha)]^n\] // Phong model
float kd = 0.2; // fraction of diffuse reflectivity
float ks = 1-kd; // fraction of specular reflectivity
int n = 8; // specular exponent
vec3 median = -dot(in_direction, normal_direction) * normal_direction;
vec3 spe_out_direction = 2*median + in_direction;
float cosine = max(0,dot(out_direction, spe_out_direction));
float t1 = kd * INV_PI;
float t2 = ks * (n+2) * INV_PI / 2 * pow(cosine,n);
return vec3(t1+t2) * material.albedo_color;
\(f_r(x,\omega_i, \omega_o) = \frac{F(\omega_i, h) G(\omega_i, \omega_o, h)D(h)}{4|\omega_i \cdot n|\ |\omega_o\cdot n|}\) 其中F为菲涅尔项,D为微表面分布函数,G为阴影遮蔽函数。在GGX分布下,D和G的定义分别如下:
\[D(\omega) = \frac{\alpha^2}{\pi [(\alpha^2-1)\cos^2\left<\omega,n\right> + 1]^2} \\ G(\omega_i,\omega_o,m) = G_1(\omega_i,m)G_1(\omega_o,m), G_1(\omega,m) = \frac{2\chi^+((\omega\cdot m)(\omega\cdot n))}{1+\sqrt{1+\alpha^2\tan\left<v,n\right>}}\]float Fresnel_term(vec3 in_direction, vec3 half_direction, float eta) {
float fresnel;
float c = abs(dot(in_direction, half_direction));
float gsquare = c*c - 1 + eta*eta;
if (gsquare > 0) {
float g = sqrt(gsquare);
fresnel = 0.5 * (g-c) * (g-c) / (g+c) / (g+c) * (1 + (c*g + c*c -1) * (c*g + c*c - 1) / (c*g - c*c + 1) / (c*g - c*c + 1));
} else {
fresnel = 1;
return fresnel;
float Microfacet_pdf_term(vec3 half_direction, vec3 normal_direction, float alpha) {
float microfacet_pdf;
float cos_theta_mn = dot(half_direction, normal_direction);
if (cos_theta_mn > 0)
microfacet_pdf = alpha * alpha *INV_PI / pow(cos_theta_mn, 4) / pow((alpha*alpha - 1 + 1 / cos_theta_mn / cos_theta_mn),2);
microfacet_pdf = 0;
return microfacet_pdf;
float Shadow_term(vec3 in_direction, vec3 out_direction, vec3 normal_direction, vec3 half_direction, float alpha) {
float cos_theta_in = dot(-in_direction, normal_direction);
float cos_theta_on = dot(out_direction, normal_direction);
float cos_theta_im = dot(-in_direction, half_direction);
float cos_theta_om = dot(out_direction, half_direction);
float g1;
if (cos_theta_im * cos_theta_in > 0)
g1 = 2 / (1+sqrt(1 + alpha*alpha * (1/cos_theta_in/cos_theta_in - 1)));
g1 = 0;
float g2;
if (cos_theta_om * cos_theta_on > 0)
g2 = 2 / (1+sqrt(1 + alpha*alpha * (1/cos_theta_on/cos_theta_on - 1)));
g2 = 0;
float shadow = g1*g2;
return shadow;
\(p(\theta,\phi) = \frac{\cos\theta \sin\theta}{\pi}\) 由独立的$\xi_1,\xi_2\sim U[0,1]$,我们可以得到采样:
\[\theta = \arccos\sqrt{1-\xi_1}, \phi = 2\pi \xi_2\]BRDF权重的重要性采样
1. 采样一个微表面法向量
\(\theta_m = \arctan (\alpha \sqrt{\xi/(1-\xi)}), \phi_m = 2\pi\xi_2\) 从宏观表面法向量$n$,利用$\theta,\phi$做变换即可得到微表面法向量$m$。
float eta = material.transmissive_ratio;
float alpha = material.alpha;
float rand1 = fract(RandomFloat());
float rand2 = fract(RandomFloat());
// sample the microfacet normal
float theta = atan(alpha * sqrt(rand1 / (1-rand1)));
float phi = 2*PI*rand2;
vec3 local_z = -sign(dot(direction, hit_record.normal))*normalize(hit_record.normal);
vec3 local_x = normalize(direction - dot(direction, local_z) * local_z);
vec3 local_y = cross(local_z,local_x);
vec3 half_direction = normalize(sin(theta)*cos(phi)*local_x + sin(theta)*sin(phi)*local_y + cos(theta)*local_z);
2. 计算Fresnel项,决定折射或者反射
利用2.3节中的公式,我们可以计算Fresnel项的值$F$。之后在$U[0,1]$中随机抽取一个随机变量$\xi_3$,若$\xi_3\le F$则为反射,否则为折射,并根据微表面法线方向,利用完美反射/折射公式计算出出射光线的方向.
float fresnel = Fresnel_term(direction, half_direction, eta);
if (fract(RandomFloat()) < fresnel) {
// reflective
out_direction = 2 * dot(-direction, half_direction) * half_direction + direction;
} else {
// transmissive
float c = dot(-direction, half_direction);
out_direction = (c/eta - sign(dot(-direction, hit_record.normal)) * sqrt(1 + (c*c-1)/eta))
* half_direction + direction / eta;
3. 计算对应方向权重
\[W(\omega_o) = G(\omega_i,\omega_o,n) \frac{\omega_i\cdot m}{(\omega_i\cdot n)(m\cdot n)}\]float weight = dot(-direction, half_direction) / dot(-direction, hit_record.normal)
dot(half_direction, hit_record.normal) * Shadow_term(direction, out_direction,
hit_record.normal, half_direction, alpha);
throughput *= (material.albedo_color *
vec3(texture(texture_samplers[material.albedo_texture_id],hit_record.tex_coord)) * weight);
origin = hit_record.position;
direction = out_direction;
void evolve(float dt, float hook) {
for (int i = 0; i < position_.size(); i++) {
float supporting_force = 0;
if (supporting_x[0] <= position_[i].x && position_[i].x <= supporting_x[1] &&
supporting_z[0] <= position_[i].z && position_[i].z <= supporting_z[1] &&
position_[i].y <= supporting_y[1] + 0.2f &&
position_[i].y >= supporting_y[1] - 0.2f && force_[i].y < 0) {
// if on the bedboard, add supporting force and friction
supporting_force = -force_[i].y;
force_[i].y = 0;
velocity_[i].y = 0;
if (length(velocity_[i]) == 0) {
if (length(force_[i]) <= frac_coeff * supporting_force) {
force_[i] = vec3{0.0f};
} else {
force_[i] -= frac_coeff * supporting_force * normalize(force_[i]);
} else {
force_[i] -= frac_coeff * supporting_force * normalize(velocity_[i]);
// dealing with collision
if (supporting_x[0] <= position_[i].x && position_[i].x <= supporting_x[1] &&
supporting_y[0] <= position_[i].y && position_[i].y <= supporting_y[1] &&
position_[i].z <= supporting_z[0] + 10.0f &&
position_[i].z >= supporting_z[0] - 0.02f && velocity_[i].z > 0)
velocity_[i].z = 0.0f;
if (supporting_x[0] <= position_[i].x && position_[i].x <= supporting_x[1] &&
supporting_y[0] <= position_[i].y && position_[i].y <= supporting_y[1] &&
position_[i].z <= supporting_z[1] + 0.02f &&
position_[i].z >= supporting_z[1] - 10.0f && velocity_[i].z < 0)
velocity_[i].z = 0.0f;
if (supporting_z[0] <= position_[i].z && position_[i].z <= supporting_z[1] &&
supporting_y[0] <= position_[i].y && position_[i].y <= supporting_y[1] &&
position_[i].x <= supporting_x[0] + 10.0f &&
position_[i].x >= supporting_x[0] - 0.02f && velocity_[i].x > 0)
velocity_[i].x = 0.0f;
if (supporting_z[0] <= position_[i].z && position_[i].z <= supporting_z[1] &&
supporting_y[0] <= position_[i].y && position_[i].y <= supporting_y[1] &&
position_[i].x <= supporting_x[1] + 0.2f &&
position_[i].x >= supporting_x[1] - 10.0f && velocity_[i].x < 0)
velocity_[i].x = 0.0f;
position_[i] += dt * velocity_[i];
velocity_[i] *= damp_factor;
velocity_[i] += dt * force_[i];
force_[i] = vec3{0.0f, -9.8f, 0.0f};
for (int i = 0; i < springs_.size(); i++) {
vec3 vec0to1 = -position_[springs_[i][0]] + position_[springs_[i][1]];
float length = glm::length(vec0to1);
vec3 force = hook * (length - o_length[i]) * glm::normalize(vec0to1);
force_[springs_[i][0]] += force / mass;
force_[springs_[i][1]] -= force / mass;
Credits and References
Besides the slides in class, I’ve also refered to the materials below for counterparts of the project:
Naive path tracing: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/475547095.
Directly sampling the light https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/475547095.
Principled material in Phong model BRDF: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/500811555.
Cosine importance sampling: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/360420413.
Principled/transmissive material in microfacet model:
Bruce Walter, Stephen R. Marschner, Hongsong Li, and Kenneth E. Torrance. 2007. Microfacet models for refraction through rough surfaces. In Proceedings of the 18th Eurographics conference on Rendering Techniques (EGSR’07). Eurographics Association, Goslar, DEU, 195-206.
The mitsuba project: https://github.com/mitsuba-renderer/mitsuba.
Textures: adapted from the Minecraft game sources.