Notes: Computer Architecture

Notes of IIIS Computer Architecture course, Spring 2022, taught by Prof. Mingyu Gao.

Notes of IIIS Computer Architecture course, Spring 2022, taught by Prof. Mingyu Gao.

01: basic concepts

Von Neumann Architecture: separate processor/memory

Code Compilation & Translation: High-level(*.c) -> Assembly(*.s) -> Machine object(*.o) -> executable

Processors: realizes ISA (RISC vs CISC)


Memory: Byte-Oriented Memory Accessing

  • Big-endian & little-endian (significant byte -> lower/higher addr.)

Memory mapping: Stack(calling, the bottom has high address), Heap(dynamic data)

02: Metrics

Performance: latency(time for one task) & throughput(# tasks per unit time)

  • Performance = (Execution time)$^{-1}$
  • Speedup of X over Y = Perf$_X$ / Perf$_Y$.
  • Execution time = #Cycles $\times$ CCT(clock cycle time)

Normally, we can use #Cycles to approximate exe. time.

CPI: cycles per instruction

  • #Cycles = IC $\times$ CPI, IC = instruction count in one program
  • Execution time = IC $\times$ CPI $\times$ CCT

  • Average CPI = $\sum$ IC / IC$_i$ $\times$ CPI$_i$.

Impact of memory, i.e., data accesses, could be reflected on CPI. Roofline model:

Means of metrics: Amean for absolutes; Hmean for rates; Gmean for ratios

Power & energy efficiency


  • Strong scaling: speedup on N processors with fixed total workload size
  • Weak scaling: speedup on N processors with fixed per-processor workload size

  • Limitation: imbalanced load; Amdhal’s Law: an optimization accelerates a fraction $f$ of a program by a factor of $S$, then speedup = $1/(1-f+f/S)$.

03 RISC-V ISA and Assembly

RISC-V system states: PC, 32 registers x0~x31(alias), memory from 0 to MSIZE-1 Special registers: ra, tp, sp, gp.

Some details:

  • 12-bit signed offset in lw and sw instruction; (most case)
  • 12-bit immediate in most instructions;
  • 20-bit immediate in lui and auipc for loading the whole immediate.

04 RISC-V encoding

Six instruction formats:

  • R-format: register-register operations
  • I-format: register-immediate operations, loads, jalr (12-bit imm, 11:0)
  • S-format: stores (12-bit imm, 11:0)
  • B-format: branches (12-bit imm, 12:1)
  • J-format: jumps (20-bit imm, 20:1)
  • U-format: upper immediate instructions (20-bit imm, 31:12)

ISA for parallelism

  • SIMD: data-level parallelism
    • Example: Intel x86 SSE and AVX Extensions
    • SIMD intrinsics: use C functions instead of inline assembly to call SSE/AVX instructions
  • MIMD: thread-level parallelism
    • process and thread
    • Shared-memory multi-core processors
    • ISA: Atomic instructions (A extension)
    • Another possibility: using locks

05 Decoding & processor

Simple format of RISC-V $\to$ simple instruction decoding

Multi-level decoding:


Datapath & control bits

Structure & critical path:


Pipelining: 5 stages IF/ID/EX/MEM/WB


06 Avoiding hazards and stalls

Stalls: a pipeline “bubble”, not moving forward in that cycle

  • How to stall: insert nop instructions, or let the hardware stall as needed.

  • Causes of stalls: hazards


  • Structural hazard: A required resource is busy and cannot be used in this cycle
    • different read/write ports; half-cycle register access
    • cancel stage bypassing
    • seperated memory(IM, DM)
    • let multi-stage instructions go
  • Data hazard: Must wait previous dependent instructions to produce/consume data (RAW in typical)
    • Solution: forwarding
    • EX, MEM, WB $\to$ EX, MEM
    • forwarding control logic
    • exchange the order of instructions to avoid stalls
  • Control hazard: Next PC depends on previous instruction
    • Resolving branch/jump earlier (in ID stage)
    • Furthermore: predict the next PC (usually, PC+4)
    • In case of misprediction, we need to nullify the operations and restart as soon as possible.
    • Additional forwarding to ID for branches

07 Advanced Techniques

Branch prediction

Key idea of hardware-based prediction: predict based on recent history

Predicting direction:

  • A hardware branch history table (BHT) records each branch’s history

  • Each branch maintains a saturate counter to predict the next direction

    • Counter +1 for an actually taken branch, -1 for not-taken
    • 1-bit states: 0: predict not-taken, 1: predict taken
    • 2-bit states: 00: predict not-taken, 01: not-taken?, 10: taken?, 11: taken
    • Simple 2-bit BHT already achieves > 90% accuracy for most programs

Predicting target: Branch target buffer (BTB)

  • Record previously executed branches and their most recent target addresses
  • Such a hardware table is implemented using SRAM
    • Address is branch instruction address, i.e., current PC
    • Data is the most recent target, i.e., next PC

Overall workflow

  • At IF stage, if BHT predicts to be not taken, then PC = PC + 4
  • Else, use current PC to index into BTB
  • If there is an entry, then PC = target address in BTB, else PC = PC + 4


Superscalar and Out-of-Order

ILP: Instruction-Level Parallelism = critical path / # instructions

Superscalar execution: multi-instructions per cycle

Out-of-Order (OoO) Execution

  • Use diversified functional units to finish instructions ASAP to avoid blocking
  • Use inter-stage buffers for decoupling stages and reordering instructions

Stages: Fetch

  • decode: also read registers
  • Dispatch/rename/allocation: Resolve dependencies and prepare for OoO execution

  • Issue/schedule: Determine whether instruction is ready to execute
  • Execute: actual execution of instructions, e.g., ALU, memory access
  • Commit/retire/write-back: Update architectural states (registers or memory)
  • Each stage can be one or more cycles

08 Cache Design

Idea: Locality (Temporal & Spatial) in programs, both data and instructions; Faster access of a small subset. Cache: Implemented as a processor component (SRAM on chip), managed by hardware, multi-level.

  • Miss Handling: Stall the pipeline, fetch (may replace) a block. $\text{CPI penalty = Miss rate} \times \text{Miss penalty}$. $AMAT = \text{Hit latence} + \text{Miss rate} \times \text{Miss penalty}$.
  • Organization:
    1. Fully-Associative: Tag = block address = Byte Address / Block Size (remove offset bits); high hit latency

    2. Directly-mapped: (typical) index = lower bits in block address; high miss rate

    3. $N$-way Set-Associative: Each block can go to one of $N$ (Associativity) entries in cache (a set):

    ​ \(\text{Set Index} = (\text{Block Address}) \mod (\text{\# Sets in cache}) = \text{Lower bits in block address}.\)

    1. Extra components: Valid bits, Dirty bits (if necessary), replacement policy.
  • Physical Organization & accessing
    • Tag, index, offset
    • Use index bits to locate a set
    • For each entry in the set: Check if valid bit is 1, Compare if tag matches.
    • If found one such entry, hit, return data, use offset to select bytes in block
    • If not found, miss, fetch data from memory, return data, and replace

Types (3C) of misses: Compulsory/cold, Capacity, Conflict

Thrashing: Sequential scanning for multiple times, causing insufficient capacity.

Replacement policies: random, LRU, LFU

  • Implementation bits
  • Goal: Balady’s optimal: choose the one used again furthest in the future. Match locality charateristics.

Write policies:

  • Write through: write in both cache (if exists) and memory. write-alloc vs no-write-alloc.
  • Write back: only write in cache; need a dirty bit per block to write back at eviction; fetch if not in cache.

Write buffer: a FIFO buffer between cache and memory; absorb small bursts; might serve for data misses.

Multi-level Caches: AMAT = L1 hit latency $\times$ L1 miss rate $+$ L2 AMAT = $\cdots$.

  • Typical Structure: L1-D, L1-I, L2 unified per core, L3 shared last-level, Main memory
  • Inclusive vs Exclusive vs Non-inclusive

Private & Shared Caches: Large caches are usually banked; lower hit latency, more parallelism;

Public Cache banking:

  • Dynamic block placing: a block is preferred to be placed in the bank closer to the core with the most accesses to it, and may also be migrated between banks; at any time, a block still can only be in one bank; minimize physical distance

Private Cache coherence: a read access should return the most recently written value

  • Cache cohenrence protocol: Single-writer, multiple reader (SWMR)
  • MSI protocol: [Modified-Shared-Invalid]
    • Extend the valid bit to represent 3 states
  • Each private cache needs to be told the actions of others
    • Snooping: All caches broadcast their misses through the interconnect
    • Directory-based: Use a directory to track the state of each block

Non-Blocking Caches: hit-to-miss, hit-under-miss, miss-under-miss Miss status handler register (MSHR): keeps track of outstanding cache misses, pending load & stores refering to that block.

  • Fields of an MSHR: Valid bit, block address, multiple pending load/store entries(Valid, type&format, offset, dst/src register)
  • Operations

Prefetching: predict and fetch data into cache before processors request it. Reduce cold misses; higher bandwidth consumption; require OoO and non-blocking caches.

  • Software prefetch instructions / Hardware prefetchers.
  • Stream fetching, Strided fetching(PC-based stride detection)
  • Metrics: Accuracy, Coverage, Timeliness

Code-level optimization: loop reordering, loop blocking, false sharing

09 Main memory: DRAM

Hierarchy: CPU - Channel - Rank - Chip - bank

Physical address $\to$ <channel x, rank y, bank z>

  • Channels are fully independent, accessed with separate buses
    • burst transfer: double-data-rate, transfer on both clk edges.
    • NUMA: non-uniform memory access, faster to access local channels.
  • Ranks in one channel share I/O, but with independent access
    • Each access goes to one rank by “ChipSelect” signal;
    • Different ranks in one channel share command/address/data lines (I/O)
  • Fully sychronous access across all chips in a rank, providing wide data bus from narrow chip pins
    • Chips in one rank share command/address lines, but separate data lines. Fixed granularity.
  • Banks in one chip share I/O, but with independent access.
    • Banks operate independently, but share command/address/data buses; support concurrent accesses.

DRAM Bank: $2^n$ rows, $2^m$ columns with $2^m \times w$ bitlines, $w$ bits I/O width, $2^m\times w$ bits row buffer Overfetch: accessing one cell must activate the entire row to row buffer. row hit & row miss. Operations: ACTIVATE(open a row), READ, WRITE, PRECHARGE(close the row, clear row buffer), REFRESH

Memory Controller: inside the processor chip, decides address mapping and translate commands, manage row buffer and DRAM refresh.

  • DRAM access latency: CPU$\to$memory controller tranfer time, controller latency, DRAM bank latency = $[t(\text{row to column command delay}), t(\text{column access strobe}), t(\text{precharge})]$, DRAM data transer time, memory controller$\to$CPU transfer time.
  • DRAM address mapping: Coarse-grained partitioning: Columns are in lower part for spatial locality; banks are in lower part for parallelism.

Row Buffer Management: Open-page policy vs Closed-page policy

DRAM Scheduling Policy: FCFS(first come first served), FR-FCFS: Row hit first, then oldest first.

DRAM Refresh: serving for capacitor charge leaking. Refresh = ACTIVATE + PRECHARGE periodically

10 Virtual memory

Virtual addresses are mapped to physical address space in the unit of pages. Translation: page table. Each process has own page table; managed by OS; used by hardware; stored in memory while address stored in a special base register.

One entry (PTE) per virtual page: Valid bit, access rights, physical page address (frame number).

Usage: memory management, memory protection

DRAM as data cache for disk/SSD: only the most frequently used data are stored in DRAM (swapped-out status, i.e. a location on disk in page table)

  • Page fault: if we meet a swapped-out page (not in DRAM)
  • Demand Paging: when page fault occurs, the pages needs to be paged in. Invoke OS page fault handle to mov edata from storage into memory (extremely slow)

  • Synonym: a process may use different virtual address to the same phhysical address (e.g. copy-on-write)
  • Homonym: different processses can use the same virtual address, but translated to different physical address
  • Page sharing: different pages can share a page by pointing to the same physical address.

Multi-level page tables: solving the problem of page table size.

  • Only the top level is stored in memory, remaining part can be stored in memory or disk
  • or unallocated if there’s no PTE in this range.
  • Example: radix tree. The unallocated subtree can be saved.

Translation look-aside buffer(TLB): locatily in accesses$\to$locality in translations

  • A hardware cache containing PTEs (for page table).
  • TLB entry Organization: a PTE, valid bit, tag, LRU info, …
  • Miss handling: Page Table Walk, access PTE in memory, and then call for that page.

TLB Context switching: when multiple processes share a processor

  • Choice 1: flush all TLB entries
  • Choice 2: add special PID in each entry - coexist

Limited TLB reach: multi-level TLBs, larger or multiple page sizes.

Cache index & tag: virtual or physical?

  • Phycial cache: access caches and DRAM after the translation.
  • Virtually indexed, physically tagged: translation & cache access in parallel, cache index from page offset only, and check tag using (translated) full physical address.
  • Virtual cache: homonym and synonym issues.

11 Disks & SSDs

Magnetic Hard Disks: long-term, non-volatile, large, cheap, but slow:

$t(\text{Queuing delay}) + t(\text{Seek time}) + t(\text{Rotational delay, half cycle on average}) + t(\text{Data Transer})$

The second and third term dominates for small amounts of data; require locality and better scheduling.

Solid State Drive (SSD/Flash): an array of flash chips; faster but more expensive; life limited

Need to erase a whole block before writing; slow and limited times of erasing; no inplace modification.

FTL: flash translation layer, maintain logical to physical address mapping, so as to write pages in a block sequentially. May perform wear leveling to avoid hotspots.

12 I/O

Challenges: Diversity ($\to$ standardized interface), Slow&unpredictable behaviors(new access approaches)

Software interfaces: register-based and memory-mapped I/O

Register interface: use registers to read data, write data, and exchange cammand/status information

Memory-Mapped I/O: part of physical address space assigned to each I/O device, protected by VM.

Standardizing I/O interface: provide uniform interface, allow device drivers for different devices.

Types: Block/Stream, Blocking/Nonblocking/Asynchronous

Hardware Designs: buses and switched interconnects

  • Bus: A set of parallel common lines connecting multiple devices. Time-multiplexed. Accessing Bus: Master-Slave arrangement; multiple Masters by alternating masters (scheduling) Bus transactions: specifies <command, address, data for write>, then slaves respond. Typical buses: processor-memory bus, processor-processor bus, I/O bus
  • Synchronous bus (short, fixed clock rate, adapt device rate) vs Asynchronous bus (wide range, no-skew, complex handshaking protocol) Serial bus: avoid data skew between parallel wires, one bit a time at high frequency; Ser/Des device. Pipelined & Split transaction buses;

  • Switched Point-to-point Links: distributed. The switcher handles routing and arbitration on each link.

I/O Notification: infrequent, unexpected events. Polling vs Interrupts.

  • Polling: I/O device places information in a statuts register, the OS periodically checks the register;
  • Interrupts: Whenever I/O devices needs attention, it interrupts the processor. The OS finds the reason in specified places and handles it (save state, handle, restore state and return).

Large Data Transfer: Direct Memory Access(DMA), no need to bother the processor.

CPU sends a data transfer task <device and operation, src/dst address, length>. DMA accepts data transfer descriptors in a queue, arbitrates for bus and does the task, and notifies the processor when done (interrupts).

  • Issues: memory pinning to avoid OS swapping out pages;
  • Non-contiguous virtual memory$\to$request in the unit of pages; DMA using virtual address;
  • Cache cohenrence: flush cache/force write back before I/O, or search the cache for copies.

13 Multi-threading

Hardware multithreading: support multiple threads on a single core. lantency is tolerated rether than avoided. Context switch: require fast context switch supported by hardware. Types: Conventional, Coarse-grained, Fine-grained, Simultanous(different threads use different units)

Some hardware are replicated(e.g. PC, registers, PT pointer), while some are shared(e.g. ALU, cache, TLB)

Distributed Clusters: Network of independent, loosely coupled computers (nodes), connected using I/O. Suitable for independent tasks or very large datasets

Communication: Massage Passing, each processor has its own physical address space (different to share memory), so we need hardware of software to send/receive messages (sychronization) MP Interface: a standard lib for message passing

14 GPU & Accelerator

Idea: Use massive computational capacity and memory bandwith of GPU, to accelarate general compute kernels.

GPU thread model: Single program, multiple data (SPMD), single instruction, multiple threads (SIMT) Each thread has its own local memory; Parallel threads packed in blocks, access to per-block memory, synchronize threads using barriers; Blocks organized into grids, access to global memory, synchronize by separate kernel lauching.

Instruction & Thread Scheduling: scheduled in the unit of warps with multiple threads

  • Threads in one warp execute in lockstep with same instructions.
  • Once one warp is stalled, we can switch to another warp; all warps keep their states on chip for fast switch.
  • Branch divergence: tracked by hardware internally with stack-like structure; dynamic warp grouping
  • Thread Sychronization: Barrier synch. within a thread block (negligible latency; liit parallelism); Kernel relaunch at grid level; Atomic operations to L2/global memory.

Streamed Processor: One thread block is mapped to one SM.

MicroArchitecture: SIMT frontend, SIMD backend

  • frontend: find-grained multi–threading
  • datapath: multiple SIMD functional units
  • large register file (for all threads)

GPU Memory Hierarchy: Each SM uses a unified address space.

  • 96kB capacity split between L1 and shared memory
  • L1 Cache: managed by hardware
  • Shared memory: explicitly controlled, managed by software (Important for performance)
  • Global L2 cache and DRAM

Limitation: registers and shared memory per SM are limited. limit parallelism

Accessing off-chip memory: large off-chip bandwidth, allow long latency by switching between warps, and hardware tries to maximize aligned and coalesced accesses.

GPU in System: as a device hosted by CPU, connected via PCIe bus. Work as accelerator or co-processor.

Accelerators: customized for one algorithm/one application domain, efficient but not flexible.

Memory bottleneck: we need to minimize memory access, match perf & bandwidth: line buffer & double buffer

Managing Accelerators: As an I/O device. Provide input, initiate computation, wait until done or error.

Acceleration should make up for extra data transfer time. Is it worth it?

Reconfigurable Architectures: spatial architectures (e.g. FPGA)

  • flexible, cheaper than custom hardware, more efficient than processor (perf/W). Circuit emulation
  • less efficient than custom hardware, less programmable than process, slow programming chain

Domain-Specific Hardware: Similar computations within a domain. Map various operators onto same hardware.